Saturday, July 31, 2010
Temukan Cara Paling Cepat dan Mudah Untuk Memulai Bisnis Online Dalam 45 Menit... dan Profit Hari Ini Juga!
Anda akan temukan...
* Bagaimana memulai bisnis di internet dan hasilkan uang pada hari yang sama.
* Bagaimana mencetak uang anda sendiri...
* Bagaimana mendatangkan aliran uang tanpa henti,tanpa perlu kerja terus menerus.
* Tanpa perlu bikin produk, website, programming, dan pengelolaan yang rumit!
* Anda set sekali, lalu hasilkan berkali-kali.
* Bukan MLM, money game atau skema cepat kaya lainnya.
Subscribe sekarang juga dan temukan bagaimana cara kerjanya, agar anda bisa mulai jalankan bisnis mantap di internet hari ini juga!
subscribe.. KLIK DISINI..
Salam Action
Friday, July 30, 2010
Legit Home Assembly Jobs
Is there such a thing as legit home assembly jobs? This is actually a really good question, particularly if you’re considering a work at home career. There are many signs and ads out there promising legit home assembly jobs but the truth of the matter is that most of these are not really legit at all. However, that doesn’t mean there are none out there anywhere. you just need to know when and where to look for legit home assembly jobs. You can also try talking with someone who currently or previously works this type of job for a legitimate company. They will be able to tell you exactly what you need to do to succeed.
Home assembly crafts jobs can be a great career idea for someone forced to retire, laid off, unable to work for health reasons or a homemaker who loves to make things and create crafts. There are some things you should know about legit home assembly jobs first though:
• you probably won’t get rich
• if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is
• a scam will ask you for money
Work at home assemblers who work for a particular company are usually sent the materials that they need to assemble an object. You will also be given instructions on how to assemble and what to do with the completed project.
Did you know that craft jobs at home are available to all types of people of all ages and backgrounds? Many people just never take the opportunity to do craft work from home even if they are the type of person who would love this job because they just don’t believe it is legit.
You can avoid common home assembly job scams by knowing what makes a scam and how to look out for it. If they’re asking you for money, it’s likely a scam. If they do want money and you think they might be legit, know what your money is going towards.
Too many people have lost money on what they thought would be a work at home job only to get tricked into buying a bunch of information you could have gotten for free on your own anyway and that does not offer you a job in any way.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Joko Susilo - Prelaunch asetvirtual
Rekan-rekan penggemar blog yang terhormat…
Source : blog Joko Susilo
Hari ini saya mencoba torehkan lagi hari bersejarah buat diri saya pribadi karena ada karya penting yang bisa saya persembahkan untuk anda.
Sejak tahun 2001, sepuluh bulan setelah saya memutuskan berbisnis di internet, saya sudah menemukan sistem ampuh menghasilkan uang dari internet. Cara saya cukup sederhana, yaitu menjual informasi sederhana namun bermanfaat melalui internet. Saking sederhananya, ada beberapa yang meremehkan kekuatan “menjual informasi” untuk membangun kekayaan. Mereka yakin konsep bisnis saya akan basi dalam hitungan bulan.
Anda tahu? Mereka salah besar… karena sampai saat ini pun, pertengahan tahun 2010, konsep bisnis ini tetap menguntungkan untuk dijalankan.
Tidak terhitung sudah berapa ratus kali saya tulis artikel yang menyatakan bahwa kita bisa kaya dari internet. Sudah berapa banyak bukti yang coba saya berikan sekedar untuk meyakinkan anda, bahwa saya tidak membual! Saya pun tidak menyerah saat orang-orang dengki menyebut saya penipu…
Anda benar-benar bisa kaya dari internet! Dan salah satu cara terbaik yang saya tahu adalah dengan menjual informasi di internet. Ini memang bukan satu-satunya cara menghasilkan uang secara online… tetapi inilah cara terbaik yang saya tahu untuk bisa kaya dari internet!
Tetapi masalahnya, kebanyakan orang enggan memulai bisnis informasi karena (menurutnya) terlalu ribet persiapannya!
Ribet karena mereka harus punya produk, harus membuat website, dan harus melakukan tetek bengek lainnya. Walaupun saya yakin hasil yang diperoleh (buat yang mau melaluinya) sangat sepadan, namun bayangan kesulitan dan keringat yang akan dikucurkan sudah menghantui mereka. Dan itulah alasan umum yang membuat orang sudah gagal dulu sebelum memulai.
Tapi begitulah, kita memang lebih suka membayangkan susahnya perjuangan daripada membayangkan nikmatnya keberhasilan. Itu sudah kodrat manusia.
Jika anda juga seperti itu pun, saya tidak menyalahkan anda.
Saya pun juga manusia biasa, menginginkan hal besar yang bisa dicapai dengan mudah. Kalau bisa lebih cepat, tanpa nunggu hasilnya lama-lama. Dan anda tahu, itulah kenapa saya berbisnis informasi, walaupun ini saja masih tetap dianggap sulit oleh banyak orang!
Lalu solusinya apa?
Nah, beruntung buat anda… hari ini, detik ini juga… saya memiliki solusi buat anda yang ingin meraih profit besar dari internet tanpa harus melakukan ‘kewajiban’ menyusahkan tersebut.
Bagaimana jika saya ciptakan sebuah sistem yang bisa membantu anda meraih profit dari internet… tanpa perlu buat produk, website, dan segala syarat memusingkan lainnya? Bahkan anda bisa profit sejak hari pertama!
Anda tidak perlu waktu berbulan-bulan untuk menyiapkan bisnis online hingga bisa memberi hasil untuk anda. Hari ini juga, sekarang juga, anda bisa memiliki bisnis online mantap, yang akan memberi anda hasil menerus dari waktu-ke waktu…
Oleh karena itulah, saya perkenalkan…
Sistem Aset Virtual!
(pre-launch, diluncurkan tanggal 28 Juli 2010)
Sistem Aset Virtual adalah sebuah sistem yang saya ciptakan untuk membantu anda agar bisa memiliki banyak aset di dunia maya, tanpa ribet… dimana masing-masing aset berpotensi mendatangkan profit menerus untuk anda, hanya dengan satu kali kerja.
OK, tanpa berlama-lama, silakan cek TKP untuk mempelajari program baru ini lebih lanjut! Klik
Saya harap program baru ini bisa menjawab masalah yang sering dihadapi oleh para pemula (atau yang sudah kelamaan tanpa hasil) di internet.
OK, selamat berpesta!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Apple MacBook Pro Laptop Parts
Apple MacBook Pro is a laptop that has grown to be more popular than any other laptops over the country. With the reliable apple laptop parts, it is really the equipment that everyone must have. Apple MacBook Pro is 13 inches. It has a large battery life that gives the users more time to finish what they are doing. It is very important for professionals to have this kind of feature because even if there is no power supply in their place, they can still work. It also has an SD card slot and FireWire. It also offers good display and fast processing of data.
Its weight is 4.51 pounds with 0.95" x 12.78" x 8.94" in dimension. Its powerful battery is composed of lithium polymer with 58-watt-hour. It also has two USB ports, Audio out and microphone in. it also includes SuperDrive DVD disk with 8x slot loading. Its SDRAM consists of 2GB 1067 MHz DDR3 while the hard disk drive consists of 160 GB 5400rpm. It has a total of 13.3" widescreen with a glossy effect that users will love and enjoy. It has the NVIDIA GEFORCE 9400 graphics and iSight webcam for the users. It also includes 60W MagSafe power adapter for cable management system. This is important for the proper maintenance of the Apple MacBook Pro.
The Apple MacBook Pro has a classic design combined with the essential work of art that makes it sleek and handy for everyone. Pictures, movies and music sound and look great with this new innovation. It has a good sound system that users can enjoy. Excellent viewing is achieved with the Apple MacBook Pro. The Chiclet-style keyboard which was first done by Sony really does look good in the Apple MacBook Pro.
Typing sessions are easy with less noise from each key stroke. It is easy to type without pressing the keys harder because it is really smooth. The keys are also easy to spot since they are being lit. The backlight is also adjustable in different sorts of environment for better use. The touch pads have no clicker buttons. Instead they have the clicker button which is found under the touch pad. It allows the entire touch pad to click so there is ease of use for the people using the Apple MacBook Pro.
Apple MacBook Pro has a LAN and mini DisplayPort. Headphone jack is also being promoted by the Apple MacBook Pro just like the function of any other digital computers. The handy battery gauge is one of the most attractive parts of the Apple MacBook Pro. It is found on the side which has eight LEDs that shows the charging level of the battery.
Apple laptop parts are innovative and creative. They are bringing the latest innovation to satisfy the needs of the techie people. Apple MacBook Pro is one of the laptops that are highly advisable to use. It promotes user friendliness and compatibility with its user. Indeed, apple laptops are sought by many people across the globe.
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