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- II have three trailcams from Bushnell, two earlier models and this new one. This one is the 2011 model that has audio (not really important), a timer to take a picture (field scan), and can handle 32GB memory cards.
- I also own three other trail cams from Moultrie a M-60, I-40 and a D-50. I had a cuddleback two years ago, and it worked fine, but it got destroyed (tree fell on it). I do not own the new Moultrie M-100, which seems very similar to this Bushnell, but this is the first year for the M-100 and I bet they will have software issues. This is the 3rd year for Bushnell and they have this camera dialed-in very well.
- The biggest issue with my older Moultrie cams is battery life. They need feed 6 D cells about once a month. The price of the batteries start to add up, but mostly the issue is going out to a dead trailcam and wondering what pictures you missed. A battery life of 1-year for just 8 AA is great.
- Aside from battery life, all these trailcams seem to do the work well. Basically I want to take a picture of game when it walks by and they all do that. I'm not going to publish my pictures in National Geographic, I mostly want to count horns and find patterns. All do that just fine for me.
- I've stuck different models of trail cams on the same tree and compared results. It's weird, sometimes the Bushnell shoots and sometimes the Moultrie shoots but most of the time they both shoot when game walks by.
- I like the 2 year warranty from Bushnell and have used it. The first year model had issues, and I returned it- they then sent me a new current year model. I had issues with a Moltrie cam once and tried to get warranty work, but they did not honor the warranty and returned my camera. I bought from an on-line dealer they did not like. ( I will only buy from major retailers now)
- I do like the nighttime flash color pictures from my Moultrie D-50, as it is nice to see in color. All nighttime trailcams that use IR flash come out in black and white. Flash vs IR is a personal thing, but in the end I'm counting horns and B&W is fine for my needs.
- The biggest thing I hate about the I-40 &M-60 Moultrie is the fact that it is not easy to swap the SD card. I sometimes like to check my cams every day and it's a real pain to swap SD cards. On the Bushnell it's a piece of cake.
- The biggest thing I hate about the Bushnell is that programming in the field under low light conditions is difficult. The screen is hard to read and the buttons are impossible. I find I need a small flashlight unless it is a bright sunny day.
- Some trailcams come with a `viewer'. Personally I think it is a waste, save your money. If you need to view pics in the field, most all cameras (the cameras you use to take pictures of the kids) that use a SD chip will display trailcams pics, and so do smartphones. In my trailcams I use microSD with an adaptor and then plug the microSD into my blackberry for field viewing (If I can't wait to get back to the house).
- Summary, I've been real happy with my Bushnell trailcam. I buy one new cam every year and for 2011 bought this one. I did look at the Moultrie M-100 and I think it would have worked fine for my needs, but it was a bit more $$ than the Bushnell and the fact that the Moultrie is a first year model made me stay with the Bushnell this year.
Compact and efficient, the 3.5 by 5.5-inch 8-Megapixel Trophy Cam 119436C Trail Camera from Bushnell is your 24-hour eyes in the woods. Thanks to a 32-LED flash that is invisible to game and other hunters, the 119436C Trail Camera can capture images in total darkness with a range of 45 feet. The motion activated PIR sensor also has a day/night 45-foot range and automatically snaps pictures with a fast one-second trigger speed. Capable of taking widescreen, VGA, and QVGA videos of up to 60 seconds with audio recordings, 8-megapixel individual still images, and multi-frame images of up to three shots, the 119436C Trail Camera provides excellent coverage of game movement. Add in Field Scan Mode that uses time-lapse technology to take images automatically at preset time intervals, operating simultaneously with the motion activated camera functions, and you will dramatically increase your field coverage. Designed for long scouting stints, the 119436C Trail Camera offers up to one year of battery life and can store plenty of images thanks to 32GB SD card compatibility. The camera mounts on any stationary object of your choosing with an adjustable web belt and a 1/4-20 socket. The weatherproof camera is designed to stay out in the field in all weather conditions, so that you can maximize your time in the field.
Time-lapse technology automatically snaps images at pre-set intervals so you can see game movement within a larger area.Key Features and Specifications:
Black and white text LCD display
High-quality, 8-megapixel full-color image resolution
Invisible nighttime flash with 32 LEDs
Motion activated day/night PIR auto-sensor
45-foot flash and sensor range
Adjustable PIR (Low/Medium/High)
One second trigger speed
Programmable trigger interval: one second to 60 minutes
Multi-image mode: one to three images per trigger
Widescreen, VGA, QVGA video resolution with audio
Video length: programmable from one to 60 seconds
Field Scan Time Lapse Mode with Simultaneous Live Trigger: takes images at pre-set intervals of one minute to 60 minutes, within the hours of your choice--at the same time as using the motion activated sensor.
Weatherproof construction prevents rain from soaking in
Temperature range: -5 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit
Mounts with adjustable web belt and 1/4-20 socket
SD card slot supports up to 32GB
Power: 4 to 8 AA batteries (not included); external power compatible
Battery Life: up to one year per batteries set
Dimensions: 3.5 by 5.5 inches
Model: 119436C
The Bushnell Trophy Cam offers 8 MP high-quality full color resolution during the daylight and black and white at night. This Trophy Cam™ is super-tuned with advancements that will turn the industry, and that big deer, on its ear. Its still leading the way with up to 1-year battery life and 1-second trigger speed, plus now gives you the big picture of game movement with Field Scan time-lapse technology. New time-lapse technology automatically snaps images at present intervals of one minute to one hour, within the hours of your choice. Field Scan provides long-range observation of your hunting ground and a much larger coverage area, because it's not triggered by game. It's like glassing your spot without having to be there. For a more vivid viewing experience, we've added audio record to the video mode. You can also record more images and video than ever thanks to 32GB SD card compatibility. The temperature range is -5 to 140 degrees F. The PIR sensor is motion activated out to 45 feet (Low/Medium/High). Features adjustable web belt and 1/4-20 socket/SD card slot.

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