you're want to buy Panasonic 45-200mm f/4.0-5.6 Lumix G Vario MEGA OIS Zoom Micro Four Thirds Lens for Panasonic and Olympus Micro Four Thirds Cameras,yes ..! you comes at the right place. you can get special discount for Panasonic 45-200mm f/4.0-5.6 Lumix G Vario MEGA OIS Zoom Micro Four Thirds Lens for Panasonic and Olympus Micro Four Thirds Cameras. You can choose to buy a product and Panasonic 45-200mm f/4.0-5.6 Lumix G Vario MEGA OIS Zoom Micro Four Thirds Lens for Panasonic and Olympus Micro Four Thirds Cameras at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here... $229.00

- this is a fantastic price/value/versatility proposition.
- this is the lens that made me go "wow, i *love* the m43 movement"...
- i got this lens for my olympus e-pl1, and it works *beautifully*. i also own the oly kitlens, the oly 17 pancake, the panasonic 20mm pancake, and a very old OM 50mm/f1.4 lens (which is my fav for portraits). if i had to keep only 2 lenses this 45-200 would be for sure one of the two. it is not the sharpest and certainly not the fastest or widest, but it sure does many things very well on an m43 body. and it blows away any point and shoot, plus it'll make you look in sympathy at the full-frame guy carrying around the equivalent for his camera...
- sum it up: *awesome* tele for the size and weight and quality (try hauling around the equvalent), and also acts as a great portrait lens with the right lighting (many pros love teles for portraits, read an online tutorial and your friends will love you). i *love* this lens. for the price, and considering what we used to pay for this image quality, it's a major "wow, i get the m43 movement".
- great things are to come for m43. what a great format. this panny lens hints the vendors are not even remotely pushing the possibilities for now.
- sure, it will fall short in the eyes of the full frame guys that already own a lens ten times the price of this (for less versatility and far less portability), but deep inside the snobs will hate you for the combo and the images you'll produce while dragging along a tenth of the traditional heft and volume...
- you may feel i went overboard, but, if there is one take-away from this little review, it is this... if you own a m43 camera, get this lens, you will not regret it. it'll open possibilities you did not expect.
- PS: if you are an Olympus E-PL1 owner... do NOT turn on the lens IS. let the olympus in-camera IS do the work. if you have *both* systems working against each other...
Lumix G VARIO 45-200mm/4.0-5.6 zoom lens w/MEGA Optical Image Stabilization covers the 35mm equivalent from 90-400mm to help the user capture crisp, blur-free, shots when shooting sports events, wildlife and other distant subjects

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