you're want to buy Canon WP-DC37 Waterproof Case for Canon SD1400IS Digital Camera,yes ..! you comes at the right place. you can get special discount for Canon WP-DC37 Waterproof Case for Canon SD1400IS Digital Camera. You can choose to buy a product and Canon WP-DC37 Waterproof Case for Canon SD1400IS Digital Camera at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here... $188.80

- I bought this case for a dive trip to Cozumel. I read both of the other reviews on Amazon (a one star and five star), and was a little concerned about the price vs. the value of the case.
- I purchased this case for $197 on another site and had absolutely no problems. The features of the camera are limited, but for underwater photographs and video and had absolutely no problems. There was no fogging of the lens and my pictures were clear. I dove to 70 feet without any leaks.
- Definitely worth the price for the memories of diving in Cozumel.
Protect your camera underwater with the WP%2DDC37 Waterproof Housing for PowerShot SD1400 IS Digital Camera%2E The Waterproof Case for the Powershot SD1400 IS%2E lets you take your camera safely out to sea in a boat%2C on a surfboard%2C in a kayak%2E%2E%2Eor up to 130 ft%2E%2F40m beneath the surface%2E

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