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- Why I need to share.... I have been a photographer for decades and have had dozens of digital cameras of all price ranges so may be helpful to some looking for this type of camera. Long lens at under $200. Not a mini pocket camera but about perfect in the hand.
- Had both 4200 and 4500 cameras for several weeks now and used both enough to think I know something about this camera as they only differ in the lenses. The negative remarks on Amazon had me comparing my experiences but I am very impressed with what I found. Two things seem near top of importance to me, quality of pictures and feel using the camera. I liked the 25mm 4200 so much I purchased the 30mm 4500 too.
- - Time between shots is effected by the speed of the memory card as class 10 gives about 1/2 second recovery for next shot, which seems much the same as most cameras performance today.
- - Case design is great. It has some plastic textured surface everywhere your fingers may want to grip and a rubber grip on the lens barrel. Also feels substantial and balanced with 4 batteries installed. Flash pop-up button release handy to hit left of flash unit.
- - Picture quality is similar to other better consumer cameras. But the big lens delivers better quality than any camera this price range I know of, with color details surprising. I use local mountain scenes for outside test comparisons and this camera has created detailed quality even out to 25mm and 30mm full zoom shots better than any more expensive cameras I have owned.
- - Battery life is great too.
- - Auto focus seems fast to lock on.
- - Price is a deal!
- Only somewhat negative thing I found is the battery door has stiff spring contacts that take a little care to close, needing one hand to release the lock button while pressing down on the lid and the second to press down too while sliding lid closed. (Works for me..)
- There are many technical things camera reviewers cover but what is important that I want this camera with me at all times. It has been a blast going around finding anything to "test" the camera because it takes great pictures. Is that not enough!
Fujifilm FinePix S4500

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