you're want to buy Canon WP-DC38 Waterproof Housing for Canon S95 Digital Cameras,yes ..! you comes at the right place. you can get special discount for Canon WP-DC38 Waterproof Housing for Canon S95 Digital Cameras. You can choose to buy a product and Canon WP-DC38 Waterproof Housing for Canon S95 Digital Cameras at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here... $187.95

- I spent a lot of time agonizing over various enclosures for the S95 - nearly nearly went with the Ikelite - but at the last minute figured that buying an enclosure that is going to long outlast and cost more than the camera is like putting a $50 000 fence around a $50.00 horse... So glad I did - this box outperforms all my expectations... And if you're clever, the little fact that you cant turn the ring selector on the rear of the camera doesn't even mean anything. I learnt that Canon put shortcuts and hotkeys on their cameras so you don't need to be able to move, turn, press or poke each button or bezel underwater - you just use the shortcuts... too cool... Have put some pics up for you to see what the enclosure (and camera) can do... Also Amazon rocks!!!
- P.S. just search for the shortcuts on Google - they're all there!!
The Waterproof Case for the Powershot S95%2E lets you take your camera safely out to sea in a boat%2C on a surfboard%2C in a kayak%2E%2E%2Eor up to 130 ft%2E%2F40m beneath the surface%2E

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